Wednesday, August 20, 2014

The Shakespeare Apocrypha

C.F. Tucker Brooke - The Shakespeare Apocrypha (1908)

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There have always been a few plays that floated in and out of the Shakespeare canon such as The Two Noble Kinsmen which can be found in some current "complete" editions.  But there have also been plays attributed to Shakespeare for various reasons - to capitalize on his fame or because it seemed like his work.  In 1908 C.F. Tucker Brooke (who would start teaching at Yale the following year) edited a collection of fourteen such plays.  It's fascinating reading for Shakespeare buffs.  In 2013 Jonathan Bate and Eric Rasmussen released William Shakespeare and Others: Collaborative Plays which has some overlap but as with many recent Shakespeare editions seems to be driven a tad eccentric by the needs of distinguishing itself commercially.