Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Halloween planning

Stanley Schell - Hallowe'en Festivities (1903)

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Ruth Edna Kelley - The book of Hallowe'en (1919)

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For this month of Halloween posts here's one to help prepare for your parties.

The Schell book is everything you'll need from how to make invitations to planning to recipes to some scary tales to tell.  You'll learn about the Witches Dance ("Enter eight Witches riding brooms and dancing around stage in a circle, while constant hissing is kept up as if lots of cats were present."), a suggested menu that includes lobster rolls served with cheese straws and mashed potatoes, a game called Pulling Kale which involves pulling kale (or cabbage if you prefer), a raisin race, and a reading from Bulwer Lytton.  (Bet that last one is in few Halloween parties nowadays.)

The Kelley book is background, ranging from the Celts to various spots of the British islands and even France before concluding in America.  There are plenty of quotations, some poems and a reference guide to magazines with Halloween tips.