Saturday, March 14, 2015

The Domestication of the Cormorant in China and Japan

Berthold Laufer - The Domestication of the Cormorant in China and Japan (1931)

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Laufer this time looks at how cormorants are trained for use in fishing.  How can you resist a chapter called "Relation of Cormorant to Otter Fishing and Egret Taming"?  Though as usual Laufer is mainly interested in the historical and ethnographic background there's a section on training methods in case you find a stray cormorant in your backyard and decide that's a more exciting way to acquire fish.  (As with training other animals for hunting the key point is to ensure that they don't eat the catch - cormorant trainers sometimes use a neck-collar.)  The closing chapter is an assortment of folklore, including the three times that Shakespeare mentions cormorants.