Monday, July 18, 2016

All Through the Day the Mother Goose Way

Jean Broadhurst - All Through the Day the Mother Goose Way (1921) direct link
Open Library main page

Collection of Mother Goose rhymes, each one getting a full page of enlightening commentary.  "Little Miss Muffet was a silly little thing, to leave her bowl of nice sour milk because a spider came near her."  Or "I wish I had been on the hill to help Jack and Jill with my First Aid Kit. I would have put a nice clean bandage on Jack instead of brown paper."  The author pushes eating less meat, not drinking tea or coffee, and sleeping outdoors even if it's cool.

Broadhurst wrote this book because she had been hired by the Cleanliness Institute to write materials and was "perturbed" that the Institute revised Mother Goose rhymes.  So she did her own with the rhymes intact.  (See Richard K. Means' 1962 A History of Health Education in the United States, p217)

Jean Broadhurst (1873-1954) was a professor of bacteriology (apparently at Columbia but I can't completely confirm that) and a promoter of health practices.  She had a PhD from Cornell.  Her other books include Home and Community Hygiene (1918), How We Resist Disease (1923), Outline of an Elementary Course in Microbiology (1918) and Bacteriology Applied to Nursing (1930).