Robert Henri - The Art Spirit (Google Books)
William Carlos Williams - The Great American Novel (Open Library)
Weird Tales - first issue (
Gertrude Atherton - Black Oxen (Open Library)
Rafael Sabatini - Fortune's Fool (Open Library)
E.K. Chambers - The Elizabethan Stage (Open Library)
Georgette Heyer - The Great Roxhythe (Open Library)
G.K. Chesterton - St. Francis of Assisi (Open Library)
Howard Carter - The Tomb of Tut-Ankh-Amen (Archiveorg)
Edgar Rice Burroughs - The Moon Maid (Google Books)
Charles H. Haskins - The Rise of Universities (Google Books)
Rose Macaulay - Told by an Idiot (Google Books)
James Branch Cabell - The High Place (Google Books)
Frederick Treves - The Elephant Man and Other Reminiscences (Google Books)