Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Fifty Caricatures

Max Beerbohm - Fifty Caricatures (1913)

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Today the wonderful NYRB Classics publishes The Prince of Minor Writers: The Selected Essays of Max Beerbohm so it seemed only appropriate to post some of Beerbohm's caricatures.  Admittedly the caricatures aren't as memorable as his writings (and you've read Zuleika Dobson yes?) but they have charms even if the subjects are often unfamiliar to modern Americans.

If this is of any interest then it's worth checking out N. John Hall's 1997 Max Beerbohm Caricatures which has not only a wider range of material but explanatory notes.

See also Bohun Lynch's Max Beerbohm in Perspective (1922) which I haven't read but from skimming it looks worthwhile.